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更新时间:2016-05-10 17:07:00

赵小砚 烟台三中2009级5班学生 2012年高考656分, 位居山东省86名,就读于中国人民大学法学院,2016年3月被哈佛大学录取法学研究生。




大学期间,任职于人大法律援助中心,接待来访群众并提供法律意见,培养实务技能,贴近实际,服务社会; 入选“求是思源”优秀学生培养计划首期,第一年:内蒙古准格尔旗民族中学,创办支教夏令营。第二年:广东省沿海城市实地考察,参访行业巨头,触摸发展前沿。第三年:新加坡考察,与政府政要及企业领袖座谈交流。 带领团队赴上海自贸区展开商事仲裁调研,撰写调研报告,了解商事仲裁发展前沿。 参与创办Lean in在北京高校中第一个分支Lean in RUC(人大),孵化女性circle;参与创办婧云,成为北京高校第一个致力于女生全面发展的学生社团。 入选“人大-耶鲁”交换项目,获全额校友奖学金,体验世界最高学府的学习、生活氛围; 国外到英国、美国等多所世界级顶尖律师事务所实习,国内在我国最高人民法院实习,熟悉行业内部工作,感受“法律的尊严”。



Dear Xiaoyan Zhao,

Congratulations! On behalf of Harvard Law School’s Committee on Graduate Studies, I am delighted to inform you that you have been admitted to our LL.M. Class of 2017, subject to the condition set forth below. We will be sending out a package with your official letter of admission and additional information by FedEx in the next few days, and you should receive it shortly thereafter. You were selected as one of the most outstanding and accomplished candidates from a large pool of very talented applicants from around the world. Your LL.M. class will be comprised of approximately 180 students from more than 70 countries, including practicing lawyers, government officials, law teachers, human rights activists, doctoral candidates, and some who are just completing their primary law studies. The dynamism and diversity of this group are part of what makes Harvard’s LL.M. program unique.
In addition, you will of course find a prodigious variety of other intellectual, professional and extracurricular resources at Harvard, the premier center for legal education and research. Harvard Law School offers some 450 courses and seminars taught by internationally renowned scholars (more than 250 of which have fewer than 25 students), the largest academic law library in the world, the unparalleled resources of Harvard University, and the lively and cosmopolitan milieu of the Cambridge/Boston area. Within the Law School's vibrant atmosphere, you will find a strong sense of community fostered by the faculty and staff affiliated with the Graduate Program, who are dedicated to helping LL.M. students make the most of your many opportunities here. We also arrange special workshops, lectures, luncheons, and other events specifically for LL.M. students. In short, the Harvard LL.M. program offers an enriching, supportive, and intellectual stimulating environment, and we very much hope that you will be a part of it.

Please note that your admission is subject to your providing evidence that you have completed your law degree. You must submit an official copy of your final transcript and diploma so that it is received by our office no later than July 15, 2016.

Since admission decisions are made without reference to financial condition, we are only now reviewing financial aid applications. If you have applied for financial aid, we will provide you with a financial aid decision before April 1, 2016. To speed our processing of financial aid awards, please let us know immediately if you have been awarded any outside scholarships or received additional funding since submitting your financial aid application. In addition, please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you are facing an earlier deadline from another institution and require an expedited financial aid decision.
You will have until April 20, 2016 to accept our offer and secure your place in the Class of 2017. To accept or decline our offer, please visit https://apply.embark.com/law.harvard/post. (While we do not require payment of an acceptance deposit, please note that you should not accept the offer of admission until you are committed to enrolling in the Class of 2017. If you need an extension of the response deadline, please let us know.) If you decide to pursue other options instead, please let me know as soon as possible.
I hope you will decide to join our LL.M. Class of 2017, and I look forward to welcoming you to Cambridge in person. Very truly yours, Catherine Peshkin Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Harvard Law School Graduate Program +1-617-496-4227 cpeshkin@law.harvard.edu
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